Welcome to Neurodiversity & Disability Activism

My blog aims to raise awareness, acceptance, and appreciation of what neurodivergent and disabled people can do. I want to take a wholesome approach for disabled people and their families to share their skills as well as what they need help with. I am aiming to reach a solution to the debates about how we help disabled people integrate into culture.

Neurodiversity The Missing Link To The Joy of Life is a book which shares a trail of historical events from the 1800s to the 2020s, it illustrates a pattern showing that Neurodiversity is the only hope to stop abusive actions by the medical services towards disabled people.

The Neurodiversity Movement is how we can combat ableist eugenics, and purge the science community of its bigotry and phobic behaviour. The Neurodiversity Movement is the polar opposite of the vulgar Eugenics Movement ongoing in the 21st century.  

The book explains how day to day activities are causing a constant rise of health disorders. 

It challenges the absurd concept of 'normal' people. If it's 'normal' to be different, who's not 'normal'? So 'normal' people are 'abnormally' 'normal', normality is so absurd!

In the final section it teaches how to have joy while a disabled person, a joyful life regardless of our circumstances. 


Neurodiversity The Missing Link To The Joy of Life 

About us

Neurodiversity & Disability Activism is a platform dedicated to giving all people a voice. Provide a community where we can solve the disagreements together about things like which interventions we should provide. 

A community where people can share their insights about the concept of neurodiversity and allow people to share their experiences. I want us to build a culture of equal rights and equity, I want a community where we can uplift and support one another!  

Progress starts from within.

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